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The world is stuck on stereotyping. What once was a means of survival and still is a means of unliftment, if done in the right way is now practised to discriminate and villify people. Why is there always a wrong way to do or see or understand things?. This somehow has a relationship to the brain.

A young child on seeing a dark person or one with some skin condition claims that the person is dirty. How is this idea given to someone young? Why does society ape for lighter skin tones? Is this still a hang over from the English conquerors, who looked down on the people whose areas and territories they had established their rule. Why is it still followed by people who did not see but only heard it from their parents?

The next one is more horribler, its the woman stereotype. Women have a biological role of carrying an offspring in her womb, why is this classified as the only thing a women is being capable of. In the name of easing the lives of women, for ages they have been delegated roles related to care giving like cooking, looking after children etc etc., Why have they been restricted to follow their passion and explore more?

Human beings surivived the world by relating to the things they knew or was similar to them. It was ok when they had to hunt their food, roam for shelter and protect their own from animals. Why are we still continuing such a limited stereotyping mentality and not stepping out to see the world as it truly is. What is stopping us? Why are we scared and holding back?

I do not have answers for the various stereotypes that is thrust on a person based on gender, skin colour, race, caste, creed etc etc. What is know is that when you kill a human being the blood is still red and a mother when needed can feed another child belonging to another race, genders, colour, creed etc., I wish a world free of stereotypes for our children, when each explore their individuality and cherish others individuality but still have each other, since man is but a social animal.

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